You can edit your orders until 6-7 days before your delivery, depending on your location.
To edit your recipe selection on our website please follow the steps below:
- Log in to your Marley Spoon account and head to "Orders"
- Select the order you would like to edit
- Under "Your box" on the right you can see the meals already selected for the order
- If you do not want to receive a certain dish, click on the small "x" next to the recipe name
- Click on "Add +" on the dishes you do wish to receive, or "Customize +" for meals with options (such as a choice between chicken and pork, or picking your favorite vegetable accompaniment) followed by "Add". The total price of your order shows at the bottom of the screen and will update as you add and remove items
- When you've chosen your meals, click on the yellow "Continue" button at the bottom right
- Now you can add any items that take your fancy from our Market selection
- Don't forget to click on "Save your box" when you have finished and you will see a pop-up confirmation that your recipes have been updated
You can also change your meals through our app as follows:
- Log in to your Marley Spoon app
- Select "Upcoming" at the bottom of your screen
- To edit your upcoming recipes, click on "Choose recipes". Or if you would like to edit your delivery day or time for that specific order, or to add a promo code, select "Manage"
- Click on "+" to add a recipe
- To remove a meal, click on the "-" (minus) button
- If you want to remove a customizable or premium meal previously selected, click on the "Your box" section and then on the "-" (minus) button
- Once you have selected your recipes, and any Market items, click on "Next", "Review order" and then click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen if everything is correct
Please be sure to double-check all changes were made successfully.
You can also view our selection of recipes for the next 3 weeks without needing to log in here!